Our Vision
We are committed to be the leading manufacturer of quality paper products in the country. The way we involve our people and partners and our innovative use of technology will make us formidable in the market.
With our commitment to source, manufacture and market quality paper products, we will grow with the economy while providing all your paper needs now and in the future.
Our Mission
PAPERLINK, INC. exists to provide the best quality paper products and value added services to the customer at the least possible cost and at the shortest possible time.
We are dedicated to continuously improve our products and services by developing a well-trained and highly motivated staff in an atmosphere of trust and teamwork, while conducting business responsibly by meeting environmental and occupational health and safety standards.
Dedication and competence will be mark as we make "Customer First" our way of life.
In pursuit of excellence, we will uphold our mission to continuously improve our products and services. We will commit our combined efforts, resources, and expertise for the welfare of our customers.
Our Customers
We will make their needs our primary concern. We will assure customer satisfaction at all times in accordance with the highest ethical standard of quality products and services.
Our Employees
We treat our employees with fairness and justice. We will provide opportunities for their development and advertisement.
Community and Country
We will maintain a mutually beneficent relationship with our society, and participate in all efforts toward nation-building.